onsdag 5 december 2012

Visit a refugee camp in Sweden, Lia Hof Palace, luxury living in royal castle-like environment


Visit a refugee camp in Sweden, Lia Hof Palace, luxury living in royal castle-like environment.

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, champagne wishes and caviar dreams.

No, not for the rich, this is lifestyle for asylum seekers from africa, arab states and asia.

The Swedish government spend up to 1 million US dollars for each refugees in housing cost, most commonly the daily cost for each refugee is 1900 KR, equivalent to the room rate at the luxury Grand Hotel in Stockholm. http://www.grandhotel.se/en

Since all public housing is filled with refugees the government is turning to camping sites, hotels, luxury hotels, private palaces and mansions, they are even buying large compounds and estates and they all are filling up quickly with masses of new refugees.

News story by Gustav Kasselstrand, ordförande för Sverigedemokratisk Ungdom, chairman Swedendemocrats youth.

Bli medlem gratis i SDU: http://www.sdu.nu

Learn more about the insane Swedish politics.

Campaign to boycott state media.

Key words,
Lia Hof Gustav Kasselstrand flykingläger flyktingar asyl asylsökande flykting integration integrationspolitik sverige sweden

Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel

måndag 8 oktober 2012

Partiledardebatt 7-10-12 om massinvandringen, sju partier är enade om att öka den utom SD.


Partiledardebatt 7-10-12 om massinvandringen, sju partier ar enade om att öka den utom SD.

Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel

fredag 14 september 2012

Arab robbed swede and left him to die on a train track. The New Sweden, almost no convictions.


Arab robbed swede, left him to die on a train track. This is the New Sweden, almost no convictions, almost no criminal refugees are expelled. Refugees are given housing, food, furniture, cash. They are given the same standard as the swedes worked for all their lives with any demands or work requirements or need to return home.

Mass immigration of mostly arabs and africans and others from primitive parts of the world gave sweden the highest crime record in Europe. Incompetent politicians and courts governed directly by politicians gave us the lowest conviction rates in Europe. The courts are populated by the same politicians who virtually removed all borders and permit virtually every refugee to remain no matter what excuse or reason they give. The record low conviction rates can therefore be explained/ They courts prefer to set immigrants free to show that they are tolerant. This practice leads to radical increases in crime rates and new masses of immigrants with doubtful record. Not only is nearly all asylum seekers allowed to stay but they get child support, free housing, cash and benefits beyond what any other nation offers. Often refugees ask for welfare money for a vacation trip to their old country. There are weekly and daily charter flights taking refugees back to their old homeland, they often stay home for months and come back to sweden when they need to collect more money.

A more "tolerant" country don't exist. But the correct term is not tolerant. Insane is a more fitting term but no politician is held accountable by media, since media is on their side. Media is paid by the government in exchange for a favorable journalistic treatment, this should be exposed in media, but as stated, media only go after those who criticize the government and the politicians.

To put it bluntly, Sweden is a total bananarepublic and there is no hope of improvement since the intelligentia leaves Sweden in record numbers for a future in a more sane, in a a better country.

May God forgive the politicians for what they have done to the country of Sweden, a former civilized nation, but no longer.

Arab robbed swede left him to die on train track Sandsborg subway T-banan tunnelbanan crime brottslighet efterlyst.

Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel

fredag 1 juni 2012

Obamas "Occupy Wall Street" group destroys San Francisco


Occupy Wall Street group destroys San Francisco.

Obamas "Green Jobs Tsar" Van Jones was reassigned to organize the Occupy Wall Street groups. He wanted to make sure in order to block leftist extremists from protesting the White House and the Obama campaign. He made sure the Occupy groups only protest capitalism and "rich people".

Obama himself was a street organizer before he started in politics.

Here is some background. Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorn kicked off Obamas political campaign in their home. Ayers and Dorn are communists and revolutionary domestic terrorists. Ayers wrote"Kill your parents" and he dedicated a book to President Kennedy killer Sirhan Sirhan, Read more about those who sponsor Obama here,

Ayers quotes,

Ayers revolutionaray acts and book,

Obamas Racist quotes,

Obamas Saudi sponsor and connection,

Occupy Wall Street William Bill Ayers Bernardine Dorn Van Jones group destroys San Francisco Khaled al Mansour

Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel

onsdag 4 april 2012

Spike Lee stoking a race war after Trayvon Martin was killed, CNN, NBC and Obama fueling race fire.


Film maker Spike Lee stoking a race war after Trayvon Martin was killed duing a fight with a Neighborhood Watch man. Fueled by CNN with hours of reports, specials, townhall meetings, instigation demonstrations, hate and a perhaps a race war. CNN, NBC and Obama are adding fuel to the fire.

NBC changed facts to instigate hate. After being exposed by Foxnews NBC apologize for their false reports.

Media alter images, news, and facts.(Don't trust the media.)

Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel

måndag 5 mars 2012

Flyktingar i Älvdalen beskrevs i Dalarnas Tidning som barn, men bilderna visade vuxna män


Flyktingar i Älvdalen beskrevs i Dalarnas Tidning som barn, men bilderna visade vuxna män i 30-årsåldern, då togs artikeln bort.

Läs mer om hur media ljuger om viktiga politiska händelser och hur politikerna ruinerar vårt land. Media stoppar alla obekväma fakta om flyktingar och invandringspolitiken. Media skyddar politikerna från kritik i alla situationer. Regeringen höjer vår pensionsålder till 75 år för att kunna fortsätta ta hit flyktingar som ofta är kriminella. Regeringen vill bekosta varje flykting upp till 16,000 kr/dygn. Läs fri media som inte censurerar viktiga nyheter:


Flyktingar Älvdalen Dalarnas Tidning bilderna vuxna män Barn Man ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel

torsdag 2 februari 2012

Reinfeldt ljuger om IMF lånet, blir KU anmäld. Skandalen 625.000 gånger större än Ljugholt


Fredrik Reinfeldt ljuger om IMF lånet, blir KU anmäld. Skandalen är 625.000 gånger större än "Ljugholt skandalen" då Juholt (s) svindlade till sig för stort hyresbidrag som kostade skattebetalarna 160.000 kronor.

Här handlar det om 100 miljarder kronor av svenska skattemedel som Reinfeldt lånade ut till IMF. Sverige får bara 0.1 % ränta medan Reinfeldt ljög och sade att vi får "maknadsmässig" ränta. Det var inte sant. Dessutom är lånet riskfyllt eftersom Grekland som exempel redan sagt att de bara kan återbetala 10 % av lånen de redan fått.

Dessutom har IMF finansiärer sagt att de kan dra in IMF finansiering eftersom lån till bankrutta EU-länder är för riskfyllt.

Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel

lördag 7 januari 2012

Muslim Rape Gangs roaming Europe seeking white rape victims.


Muslim Rape Gangs roaming Europe seeking white rape victims.

Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel